Founded in 1992, American Muslims Intent on Learning and Activism (AMILA) is committed to spiritual enrichment, intellectual freedom, and community service.




The AMILA Du'a (Prayer)

Download the AMILA Dua (.pdf file) here
This du'a is recited at the beginning of each AMILA Gathering, and was written by Amira Quraishi, Rashid Bashir, and Marta Carrillo when AMILA was being formed.

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent.

We thank You for blessing us with our families, friends, safety, and sustenance. We thank You for giving us the ability to worship you through learning and acting upon Your teachings. We begin this meeting in Your name.

In the name of God, the all embracing.

We pray that You help us increase our taqwa, iman, sabr, humility, knowledge, and kindness so that we may grow spiritually close to You and to each other.

In the name of God, the wise and the patient.

Increase us in knowledge of ourselves so that we may know You. Increase our wisdom and patience by respecting each other's ideas, opinions, and beliefs, even if these are different than what we are used to.

In the name of God, the extender, the compassionate.

Help us extend our hearts to You and to each other. Help us to worship You and humble ourselves by using kind words and forgiving spirits.

In the name of God, the all-knowing.

Please help us in using our intellect, faith, and wisdom to increase our knowledge of Islam, the Quran, and the way of the Prophet. Purify our souls and make us worthy of receiving knowledge so that we may comprehend and live in the true spirit of the religion.

In the name of God, the sustainer.

Help us to make the best use of our time and talents. Help us to worship You and be conscious of You in our pursuit of personal and professional goals. Help us translate our worldly affairs and rituals into worship for You.

All praise is due to You and to You is the end of all journeys. We ask for Your forgiveness, ALWAYS.


Please print this dua, bring it with you to our next gathering, and if the volunteer coordinator gets caught up on other details and forgets to read the dua, speak up to ensure that this tradition of beginning our efforts with the awareness of God in everything we do is continued!

Dedicated AMILA Members print and carry this dua with them to the monthly AMILA Gatherings to be read at the beginning of every gathering. The totally dedicated AMILA members carry this dua in their wallets/purses at all times and flip them out to prove their committment to the organization. Try it next time you run into another AMILA member ;-)!.